Tuesday, August 30, 2011

mini shreddah

Monday, August 15, 2011

Just got this email. To anyone who contributed to the "friends of the Newburyport Skatepark" this should horrify you. I guess BMX guys still haven't figured out that they can ride anywhere and build whatever they want.

"As everyone knows from Ginny's last email, the improvements to the park are up in the air. While I know some people are interested in expanding the park at the Nock I would like to suggest we explore another option. As you may or may not know, I have been working with a group of young people looking at a location to ride their BMX bikes.

I am meeting with the Parks Commission Thursday evening to begin the preliminary support of improvements to Cushing Park. These improvements would be the following: leveling the current hard top area used as a basketball court; dividing that area in two and building 1. An street hockey rink/ basketball court (NYS looks to start a summer street hockey league next year); 2. A skate park for boards and BMX bikes and 3. Any improvements needed at the playground to meet the needs of abutters.

The area would not be huge (@7-8K SQFT) but it would create a second spot in town where skating was allowed (We all know how many soccer fields, basketball courts and playground are available in town). This will not be an easy sell as most changes are not, even when seen by some as improvements.

I would like to ask the Friends to consider putting their support behind this project instead of expanding the existing park. I have also met with the Youth Hockey League and have asked for their support as well towards the rink. I think that a partnership could be very beneficial.

I would love to hear your thoughts, concerns and questions. We are still early in this process and any feedback is helpful. If you want to get involved, we have a group on facebook Cushing Park Improvements or email me.

Andrea Egmont

Director of Youth and Recreational Services

Newburyport Youth Services

Cityof Newburyport

